Monday, November 30, 2009

finding the dress

so... i called the 4 shops closest to me that carry the designer of the dress with no avail. it is a style from several years ago, so i figured it might be a hard dress to come by.

saturday, i awoke with an itch to just find this dress! i at least wanted to try it on, no matter how far we had to drive (well, within reason).
the first two places i called = SCORE! yesss. each are only a 2 hour drive.
now i have two options, and both can order the dress for about the same price, around $700.

this is sort of a win-lose situation.
i'm winning because $700 for the dress of my dreams is not at all bad, considering the price of most wedding gowns. i'm losing because that much money could buy us the cozy chair-and-a-half recliner we want so dearly.
i mean, i'll wear it once... it is SO hard for me to justify that purchase because $700 is A LOT of money to us right now.

but... it'll be the most special day of my life... what to do, what to do.

ive been checking every single day with my fingers crossed it'll pop up! now only if i knew my size.. dress sizes don't seem to be very true from what i've came across and tried on.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

hodge farm

dear hodge family,

little do you know, we will soon be writing you a letter because your farm/barn is the most amazing thing we have ever laid eyes on. it is perfect in every way for our location. we will pay you well and take out an insurance policy!

the dbf was driving out in the country last week (there's a lot of "country" around here!) and found this amazing barn. it's truly everything we've been looking for! it's perfect for both the ceremony and reception. we are going to write a letter to the owners and i've got my fingers crossed it just might work. if not, we'll fall back on farm lake, so no biggie.

P.S. this picture doesn't do it justice! you should see the entrance and gorgeous (maybe oak?) tree.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

the dress!

nothing was on tv last night, so i ended up watching 3 episodes of say yes to the dress after the dbf went to bed. it really put an itch in me :) i did some searching until about 2:30 this morning online.. i lost complete track of time! but... i found one that is truly everything i want... i think this one might be "it".
the dbf will be reading this, so i'll not post a photo. email me if you want to see it.

spur of the moment, i went today with my mom, grandma, aunt, and two cousins to try on dresses. it was just a fun, prelim girl trip to get some ideas. they didn't have the dress i wanted in stock, but i found one similar and liked how it looked on.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

new ring idea

so... because of several reasons, we've decided against the herkimer diamond.
although a great thought, here's why:
1. we can't get it until april
2. it looks less like a gem and more like glass

although the new york trip would've been amazing, the big thing is we can't go until april.
sooo.... that led me googling once again for diamond alternatives. it also let me to this article and i am honestly appalled. as an advertising major myself, i know how incredibly powerful it can be. this seems to be one of america's greatest marketing scams of all time. we have been tricked into believing that diamonds equal love.

after looking at white topaz and white sapphire, i came across an incredible stone called moissanite.

this gem has both more brillance AND fire than diamonds! it is also almost as hard on the Mohs scale, so you can wear it everyday without worrying about damaging the stone. i've read that it takes a great jeweler to tell the difference between a moissanite and a diamond. it occurs naturally in tiny amounts and is now synthetically made by a company called Charles & Colvard, Ltd ... and the best part? it's 1/4 the price!!

take the time to read this very interesting personal article about diamonds and moissanites. it deifnitely convinced me!

i'm trying to stay around the $1,000 range... still a little more than we can afford, but very reasonable considering i will get a 1 carat stone. i've always wanted a square princess cut stone, but this stone shows less color when cut round.. so i think i'll go with round.

here are two i love that are about $1,000

and then.... the ring OF MY DREAMS! :)
this was a custom design, i'm sure it's $3,000+

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

farm lake

there's a barn about 1/4 mile away from our home. the woman who owns it hosts parties and other events there, mostly for the local university.

however, i spoke to her and she said there have been quite a few weddings there as well!

the cost of $740 includes a bonfire, hayrides, tables, and chairs! this is just waaaay more convenient for us. my family won't have to drive 4 hours and his family and friends are right here in town.

we won't have to rent restrooms, chairs, or tables! plus, it's cheaper to begin with. we will just save a ton of money doing it there.

the location is definitely not as romantic or dreamy, but the other things outweigh that, hands-down.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

so, it's been awhile

i took a hiatus... a very LONG hiatus!

our table is done and absolutely BEAUTIFUL! all of our hard work paid off. it is stained a very, very dark mahogany and we used a vintage gray printed fabric to cover the

anyway..... i was getting a little too overwhelmed way too early. i took a step back and thought to myself... ya know, you'll have plenty of time to do this after the ring! just enjoy it for now :)

we had a conversation last night and decided it was a much better idea (and just "us") to take a trip out to New York and visit the Herkimer Diamond Mines. my ring will be made with one of these stones, which are actually quartz crystals! we both think that taking a trip to New York will be much more fun than spending money we don't need to on a several thousand dollar diamond ring.

it will mean more to us because it's "different" and the Herkimer Diamond story is such a unique one!! they are only found in this certain area of New York and in just a couple other places in the world. it is also used by "new agers" for healing and energy purposes, which is also very appealing to us.
we both are pretty humanitarian as well and the diamond trading/selling/mining scene is really, really sad. it will make both of us feel good to know we are not giving in to the "box" stores and consumerism.

unfortunately, the mines close each winter from the end of october until the middle of april. so, it looks like we'll be waiting awhile!

herkimer diamond ring at
by: Onestonenewyork