Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the binder/my favorite inspiration

i began my "idea" binder last night.. there are SO many beautiful photos and blogs out there.
those women really put together some amazing and breathtaking things!
i am currently following about ten wedding blogs.. and they all have something fresh each day. it's nice to have so much content right at my fingertips... so inspiring :)

here is one of my absolute favorites. natural. elegant. rustic. simple.

Friday, July 17, 2009

the guest list

the budget hasn't been determined yet. our engagement isn't "official", so we haven't sat down with our parents to talk about finances quite yet.
i figure anything the parentals aren't willing to cover, we will. we expect ~150, so we'll see if that's possible soon enough.

since most people invited will be couples, families, or a single and a guest, i'd imagine we'll send less than 100 invitations.
my dad has a HUGE family (because it's combined with my step-mom's, 11 brothers and sisters total!), so we'll have to account for that.

i have to keep in mind that it's a 2 to 4 hour drive for everyone, so not all people are going to be able to make it.

wish us luck :) :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


oh, how i LOVE fonts!

i am trying to find a gorgeous one to use for the envelope addresses.
calligraphy is beautiful... but incredibly expensive.

jane austen (i think this one might be perfect!)

byron (little hard to read?)

ol ho deboi (a little too "dark"?)

the king and queen (a little too "fun")

all found at dafont.com

Monday, July 13, 2009

days of rest

i've taken a little break from the whole wedding deal. since wedding planning IS my dream job, i've been a little indulgent in it! it was nice to remember i do have FIFTEEN months :)

i took my 12 year old sister to the brookfield zoo and a jonas brothers concert saturday.. we had such a great time! the weekend just flew by.
and on top of that, i'm moving out of my apartment WEDNESDAY!
it's been a very busy past couple of weeks.
i can't believe the last time i posted was on june 30th... wow!

i am just IN LOVE with this mason jar idea! i don't have my heart set on it 100%, because they are slightly expensive ($24.95 for a one gallon dispenser)

i am planning on getting several handles of sweet tea vodka. (YUM, you should try it!). it will be the only liquor served which will help save on costs (you mix it with water, it can't get much cheaper than that!)

oh, and the lanterns. how absolutely romantic.